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Trivia Game Featured in “One for the Books” Exhibit

Players select and answer 10 questions from a random pool of 15.

In May, NETG developed a baseball trivia game for the “One for the Books” exhibit at the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY.

In this trivia game players try to rack up the most points by correctly answering questions from six categories including Batting, Home Runs, Fielding, Pitching, Teams and Grab Bag.  From a database, the program randomly displays 15 titles that represent the six categories and three point levels.  Players select 10 question tiles to answer.   To earn the highest number of points, players must answer quickly.

At the end of the game players find out how their scores compare to the Top Ten scores of the day and the Top Ten scores of all time.  In the “One for the Books” exhibit there are two trivia stations and the program is designed to combine and present the Top Ten scores from both stations.

A question's point value decreases as time passes.

The program was designed to be highly customizable.  For example, by editing simple text files the museum staff can change, add or delete categories and questions.  The program also generates a usage report to assist the museum in fine tuning the content and difficulty of the questions and categories.

Players see how their score ranks with the Top Ten.

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